Friday, September 25, 2009

The Right to Own History Erasers

The Bill of Rights and Privacy

Nowhere in the United States Constitution is the word "privacy" mentioned. The good news is, the idea of "privacy" is protected by a number of Amendments. It is in the core of our Bill of Rights and therefore, a valid right. Online privacy is a form of privacy and it is therefore also a valid right. So from being citizens to becoming netizens, we have to learn what legal motions are being made towards securing our privacy online if we are to accept the fact that our world is to move towards accepting online reality as a part of everyday reality.

Privacy Invasion

There are 4 known types of privacy invasion on the internet. The first type is search and seizure. Under the Fourth Amendment, American citizens have the right to protection from search and seizure without a warrant and when there is a reasonable expectation of privacy. So nobody can search and download your files from your hard drive, even from a remote location, unless you give them consent and your privacy is not undermined. The law becomes more vague though if your files are saved on your internet service provider's server.
The second type is unsolicited e-mail. There is currently nothing in federal law that regulates this. There have been cases though where spammers were sued and the individual complainants won.
The third type is defamation, meaning false and unpriviliged publication which results to economic damages. States are very strict about this and defamation, of any type has brought legal consequences to the defamers.
Last on the list is secrecy and creation of databases containing personal information. There is no federal protection against acts classified under this category.

If the law can't help you, help yourself with history cleaners

There are too many stories about the ill effects and damages caused by privacy invasion to its victims, that a list would never fit in a blog. However, if you have sufficient knowledge of history erasers like evidence eliminator, winclear or paretologic privacy controls, you need not fear being added to the victims list. It's not like you're going to buy a gun to protect yourself. In fact, it prevents you from having a reason to buy a gun and kill somebody for invading your privacy and ruining your life. The wisest thing to do is cover your online tracks.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Evidence Eliminator, WinClear and ParetoLogic Privacy Controls, Top History Erasers

Evidence Eliminator

Evidence Eliminator is a history eraser designed by Robin Hood Software Ltd., a software company based in Nottingham, England. It takes pride in being one of the history erasers, commercially available, with the most number of features. It is also notable for being easy to install and posessing cutting edge technology in eliminating evidence on your PC. It also has stealth mode, making it run on your PC automatically every time you turn on your computer without the user seeing any windows showing the Evidence Eliminator settings. Being very thorough, it is also one of the most pricey history eraser with a standard price of $99.95.


Another history eraser, WinClear download is comparatively a low price of $37.00, with enough features to get you by in protecting your PC from privacy invasion. It also has stealth mode and has a file shredder option that applies state of the art software technology. It has fewer features though compared to Evidence Eliminator and not very easy to use if you are not tech-savvy.

ParetoLogic Privacy Controls

If you combine price, style and ease of use as criteria for selecting the top history erasers, then ParetoLogic is the best pick. It balances all three criteria well.With a very affordable price of $29.95, you can delete chat conversations, peer-to-peer file sharing and toolbar searches without every consulting the manual. It is very easy to understand and use and doesn't fall far behind Evidence Eliminator in thoroughness of deleting evidence.